Warning: package 'leaflet' was built under R version 4.3.3
library(leaflet.extras) #for geoloc
Warning: package 'leaflet.extras' was built under R version 4.3.3
Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
Warning: package 'reticulate' was built under R version 4.3.3
.chart-wrapper {overflow-x:scroll;}
## import location datadt_loc <-read_excel('data/locations.xlsx', col_names =TRUE, trim_ws=TRUE) %>%drop_na(Address)dt_loc$Address <-paste0(dt_loc$Address, ", London, England")#The crosstalk package can incorporate additional dynamic functionality in a Quarto document. As the name implies, it allows linking between plots and tables by including embedded Javascript in the rendered HTML file. This allows functionality that looks interactive as in a Shiny application, but does not require Shiny Server.#Because all data must be loaded into the browser, Crosstalk is not appropriate for large data sets. (There’s no hard limit, since HTML widgets require varying amounts of CPU cycles and memory for each data point.
dt_loc%>% DT::datatable(filter ="top", # allows filtering on each columnextensions =c("Buttons", # add download buttons, etc'FixedColumns'#"Scroller" # for scrolling down the rows rather than pagination ),rownames =FALSE, # remove rownamesstyle ="bootstrap",class ="compact",width ="100%",options =list(dom ="Blrtip", # specify content (search box, etc)deferRender =TRUE,pageLength =10,scrollX =TRUE, #locks header rowscrollY =500,fixedColumns =list(leftColumns =1), #lock columnfixedHeader =TRUE, #lock headerbuttons =list(I("colvis"), # turn columns on and off"csv", # download as .csv"excel"# download as .xlsx ) ) )
Before using python
You have to discover the path to your the .exe python file and then specify it in the .Renviron file. - Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = “C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3”)
import pandas as pdfrom geopy.geocoders import Nominatim #had to pip install this first#Using Nominatim with the default user_agent is strongly discouraged, as it violates Nominatim’s Usage Policy https://operations.osmfoundation.org/policies/nominatim/ and may possibly cause 403 and 429 HTTP errors. Please make sure to specify a custom user_agent with Nominatim(user_agent="my-application")geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="myApp")dt_loc_py = r.dt_loc #import df from R to Py https://nrennie.rbind.io/blog/combining-r-and-python-with-reticulate-and-quarto/#claims to have no attribute latitude# dt_loc_py[['location_lat', 'location_long']] = dt_loc_py['Address'].apply(geolocator.geocode).apply(lambda x: pd.Series([x.latitude, x.longitude], index=['location_lat', 'location_long']))# dt_loc_py[['location']] = dt_loc_py['Address'].apply(geolocator.geocode) # this doesn't work unless all addresses can be found - number will mismatch#this works# geolocator.geocode(dt_loc_py['Address'][1])# geolocator.geocode(dt_loc_py['Address'][1]).latitude
lat = []longi = []location = []for places in dt_loc_py['Address']: location.append(geolocator.geocode(places, timeout=100)) #, timeout=100 lat.append(location[len(location)-1].latitude) longi.append(location[len(location)-1].longitude)#match back to dfdt_loc_py['lat'] = latdt_loc_py['longi'] = longi
Current legend: colour by category, dark inner dot = open late Todo
1. add open-by-day layer control - completed 2. add hours by pop up
3. Crosstalk with table - completed
4. layer tube station
dt_loc_py<-py$dt_loc_py#[-1]#drop last column coz it's a messdt_loc_py<-dt_loc_py %>%rename(lng = longi)dt_loc_py$Category<-as.factor(dt_loc_py$Category)# Create a palette that maps factor levels to colors# pal <- colorFactor(c("pink", "turquoise", "blue", "green","purple", "orange", "gray", "black"), domain = c("Food", "Sight","Sight, Food", "Shop, sight","Shop", "Activity", "Base", "NA"))pal<-colorFactor("Dark2", dt_loc_py$Category) #use colourBrewermap_geo<-dt_loc_py %>% leaflet::leaflet() %>% leaflet::addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap.HOT)%>%#Thunderforest.Transport is better but not loadiing...api key needed?addCircleMarkers(data =subset(dt_loc_py, !is.na(Saturday)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat, group ="Saturday",popup =~Place,radius =9,color =~pal(Category)) %>%addCircleMarkers(data =subset(dt_loc_py, !is.na(Sunday)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat, group ="Sunday",popup =~Place,radius =9,color =~pal(Category)) %>%addCircleMarkers(data =subset(dt_loc_py, !is.na(Monday)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat, group ="Monday",popup =~Place,radius =9,color =~pal(Category)) %>%addCircleMarkers(data =subset(dt_loc_py, !is.na(Tuesday)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat, group ="Tuesday",popup =~Place,radius =9,color =~pal(Category)) %>%addCircleMarkers(data =subset(dt_loc_py, !is.na(Wednesday)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat, group ="Wednesday",popup =~Place,radius =9,color =~pal(Category)) %>%addCircleMarkers(data =subset(dt_loc_py, !is.na(Thursday)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat, group ="Thursday",popup =~Place,radius =9,color =~pal(Category)) %>%addCircleMarkers(data =subset(dt_loc_py, !is.na(Friday)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat, group ="Friday",popup =~Place,radius =9,color =~pal(Category)) %>%addLegend(pal = pal, values =~Category, position ="bottomleft") %>%addLayersControl(overlayGroups =c("Saturday", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"),options =layersControlOptions(collapsed =FALSE))#add nightmap_geo <- map_geo %>%addMarkers(data =subset(dt_loc_py, !is.na(Late)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat,icon =~icons('data/moon-outline.svg',iconWidth =15, iconHeight =15),popup =~Late)#add geolocmap_geo <- map_geo %>%addControlGPS(options =gpsOptions(position ="topleft",activate =TRUE, autoCenter =TRUE,setView =TRUE))#activateGPS(map_geo)#https://rpubs.com/mattdray/basic-leaflet-maps# leaflet::addLayersControl(# overlayGroups = c("Outstanding", "Good", "Other"), # add these layers# options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE) # expand on hover?# ) %>% # hideGroup(c("Good", "Other")) # turn these off by default# #leaflet::addAwesomeMarkers
sd <- SharedData$new(dt_loc_py)# use shared data with crosstalk widgetstbl_loc <- sd %>% DT::datatable(filter ="top", # allows filtering on each columnextensions =c("Buttons", # add download buttons, etc'FixedColumns'#"Scroller" # for scrolling down the rows rather than pagination ),rownames =FALSE, # remove rownamesstyle ="bootstrap",class ="compact",width ="100%",options =list(dom ="Blrtip", # specify content (search box, etc)deferRender =TRUE,pageLength =10,scrollX =TRUE, #locks header rowscrollY =500,fixedColumns =list(leftColumns =1), #lock columnfixedHeader =TRUE, #lock headerbuttons =list(I("colvis"), # turn columns on and off"csv", # download as .csv"excel"# download as .xlsx ) ) )map <-leaflet(sd) %>%#, width = "100%", height = 350) %>% addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap.HOT)%>%addMarkers(data =subset(sd$data(), !is.na(Late)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat,icon =~icons('data/moon-outline.svg',iconWidth =9, iconHeight =9),popup =~Late) %>%addCircleMarkers(data =subset(sd$data(), !is.na(Saturday)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat, group ="Saturday",popup =~Place,radius =9,color =~pal(Category)) %>%addCircleMarkers(data =subset(sd$data(), !is.na(Sunday)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat, group ="Sunday",popup =~Place,radius =9,color =~pal(Category)) %>%addCircleMarkers(data =subset(sd$data(), !is.na(Monday)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat, group ="Monday",popup =~Place,radius =9,color =~pal(Category)) %>%addCircleMarkers(data =subset(sd$data(), !is.na(Tuesday)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat, group ="Tuesday",popup =~Place,radius =9,color =~pal(Category)) %>%addCircleMarkers(data =subset(sd$data(), !is.na(Wednesday)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat, group ="Wednesday",popup =~Place,radius =9,color =~pal(Category)) %>%addCircleMarkers(data =subset(sd$data(), !is.na(Thursday)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat, group ="Thursday",popup =~Place,radius =9,color =~pal(Category)) %>%addCircleMarkers(data =subset(sd$data(), !is.na(Friday)),lng =~lng, lat =~lat, group ="Friday",popup =~Place,radius =9,color =~pal(Category)) %>%addLegend(pal = pal, values =~Category, position ="bottomleft") %>%addLayersControl(overlayGroups =c("Saturday", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"),options =layersControlOptions(collapsed =FALSE)) # 12 is the maximum number of columns in crosstalk::bscols(). This means that you can put every widget on next row just by specifying widths = 12 for the previous one.
Crosstalk Data
bscols(widths =c(12, 12), map, tbl_loc)
Warning in bscols(widths = c(12, 12), map, tbl_loc): Sum of bscol width units
is greater than 12
Loading required package: ggplot2
Attaching package: 'plotly'
The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
dt_loc_py <-dt_loc_py %>%select(Place, Category, Monday:Sunday) %>%pivot_longer(!Place:Category, names_to ="Open", values_to ="Tally") %>%drop_na(Tally)# set the factor order however you wantdt_loc_py$Open <-factor(dt_loc_py$Open,levels =c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"))dt_loc_py %>%plot_ly(x =~Open, color =~Category, colors ="Set1")
No trace type specified:
Based on info supplied, a 'histogram' trace seems appropriate.
Read more about this trace type -> https://plotly.com/r/reference/#histogram